Southeast College acknowledges that we are located on the traditional lands, referred to as the Treaty 4 Territory and Treaty 2 Territory, the original lands of the Cree, Ojibwe (OJIB-WĒ), Saulteaux (SO-TO), Dakota, Nakota, Lakota, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

We respect and honour the Treaties that were made on all Territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we are committed to moving forward in partnership with Indigenous Nations in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.

Southeast College serves a region that encompasses over 70 communities spread throughout 20,000 square kilometers in southeast Saskatchewan.

We operate campuses in six communities, including: Assiniboia, Estevan, Indian Head, Moosomin, Weyburn, and Whitewood. Through partnerships with post-secondary institutions, we deliver a wide variety of career, vocational, and academic programming to meet the educational, economic and labour force demands of southeastern Saskatchewan. Additionally, the College serves many business and industry stakeholders by offering numerous business, safety, and industrial programs and courses at our six campus locations.


Our Vision

Changing lives, building strong sustainable communities to lead in a changing world.

Our Mission

Transforming our communities through innovative educational opportunities.

Our Values

At Southeast College, we practice professional ethical conduct. Guided by these core values, we are:

Innovative – proactively and courageously responding to changing needs within an environment that encourages continuous improvement.

Collaborative – creating genuine, meaningful interactions and partnerships that embrace equity, diversity, and inclusion to achieve mutual goals and superior outcomes.

Sustainable – supporting economic growth, social wellbeing, and environmental viability through transparent accountability and responsible stewardship.

College History

Origins as a Community College

Southeast College was originally established in 1975 as the South East Region Community College; part of a new college system in Saskatchewan. “The college is the people of the community” – this was the fundamental principle Honourable Gordon MacMurchy stressed when addressing the initial charter Board members of South East Region Community College. Each and every Board member addressed that challenge with a dedicated purpose, a sense of creative planning and a co-operative approach. It was in this spirit of co-operation and community development that the College was built. Decisions about the programs/courses to be run were made by people in the community, using existing facilities. The College became the community co-operating and working together to bring programs to the community. It provided the opportunity for a lot of people to develop their self-esteem and hidden potential. A very dedicated College staff worked closely with communities to establish the backbone of the college system – the volunteer contact committees. A tremendous amount of credit goes to the staff and volunteers. By 1978, this volunteer network existed in many southeast communities.

Going Regional

Following the proclamation of the Regional Colleges Act in 1987, South East Region Community College was renamed Southeast Regional College, becoming one of nine Saskatchewan colleges. Saskatchewan Regional Colleges receive their primary funding through a base operating grant and specific program support funding distributed by the provincial government department of Post-Secondary Education and Skills Training. In addition, Southeast College generates funds from contract revenue and tuition fees. In 1990, the College established the Energy Training Institute to meet the growing training needs of southeast Saskatchewan’s energy industry.  Building on the success of working closely with community, the Energy Training Institute developed its safety training programs in consultation with an Advisory Board made up of local business and industry contacts.  After more than 25 years, the Southeast College and it’s wide variety of energy and safety training programs have a track record of meeting the needs of the energy industry across southeast Saskatchewan.

A Future Built on a Strong History

While initial start-up was slow, a firm foundation was laid through the co-operative efforts and support of the Board, College staff, contact committees, communities, school boards, the business community, the Ministry of Advanced Education, Employment, and Immigration, the Ministry of Agriculture, University of Regina Extension Division, the technical institutes and other groups in the community. Our College has a proud history of adaptation and responsiveness to the people and communities of southeast Saskatchewan. During the first 40 years, the commitment to the founding principles of “community-based” technological, trading and global trends have revolutionized the way we live, work, play, and learn. To celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2015, the College received a brand refresh. As part of the refresh, the College was officially renamed Southeast College. The new name better reflected the evolution of the College and acknowledged that new and flexible learning options allow programming to be delivered on a broader scale. What is the role of the College in building the communities of tomorrow? This is the challenge for all members of the Southeast College community. In true pioneer spirit, the founders created the South East Community College from a vision based on a belief in people and communities. The College is confident that this spirit is still alive and thriving in rural Saskatchewan. It will ensure that the College continues to meet the emerging needs of the people and communities in southeast Saskatchewan in the 21st Century.