Adult 12

Did you leave high school prior to graduating? Did you graduate high school, but need to improve your marks in order to apply to post-secondary?

Southeast College provides programs at various locations throughout its region to help adults achieve their Adult 12.

2024/2025 Program Dates

Three Trimesters of Programming with Multiple Course Options!

Aug. 28 – Nov 15, 2024 | Nov. 15 – Feb. 14, 2025 | Feb. 14 – May 23, 2025

Obtain or upgrade your Adult 12 as recognized by the Ministry of Education. Courses include, but are not limited to: ELA A & B30, Social Studies 30, History 30, Native Studies 30, Health Sc. 20, Biology 30, Physical Sc. 20, Chemistry 30,  Earth Science 30, Bridging Math 30, Workplace & Apprenticeship Math 20 & 30, Foundations Math 30, English Essentials/Communication 10, Life Transitions 30, Career and Workplace 30.

“Live Online” delivery will be available in certain courses – Students will require a computer and internet. Classes will be scheduled for specific days/times; students will be expected to attend online.

Planned Locations for 2024/2025 – Based on sufficient enrollment

Estevan, Weyburn, Whitewood, Indian Head, White City, Cowessess First Nation, Piapot Valley First Nation, Whitebear First Nation, Kahkewistahaw First Nation, Zagmime Anishinabek

**Additional locations may be added based upon student interest – please contact your local Southeast College Student Advisor for more information**

Are you interested in financial support?

There is no tuition or application fees for the program.

Students may qualify for funding support through the province or their First Nation.  Please contact a Student Advisor for more information.

Southeast College’s Adult Education students may also be eligible for a number of scholarships and bursaries awarded through the Southeast College Education Foundation. For more information: Southeast College Scholarships and Bursary Information

Do you need more information about the application process?

All students interested in attending Adult Education classes at Southeast College are encouraged to submit application form. The online application form can be found here ABE Application 2024 – 2025 By submitting an application form early, Southeast College staff can determine the best time and method to contact you for further information about your educational goals.

Prospective students will be invited to complete an intake interview with a Southeast College Student Advisor prior to placement into the program. Intake interviews assist the Student Advisor with determining academic placement, student and financial supports and program suitability. Students will be contacted by an advisor to schedule an appointment once your application has been received and reviewed.


For more detailed information, please contact your local Student Services Advisor:


Location: Contact:
Cowessess First Nation 306-853-7205
White Bear First Nation 306-853-7205
Estevan 306-637-4932 or 306-461-5211
Kahkewistahaw First Nation 306-853-7205
Piapot Valley First Nation (On-reserve) 306-537-7447
Weyburn  306-848-2302 or 306-897-7727
Whitewood  306-853-7205
White City  306-853-7205


Information about the 2024-2025 program year:
Southeast College will be delivering Adult Basic Education classes in a blended delivery format (a complimentary mix of both virtual and in class instruction). Students will need to have access to a computer and internet. Please contact us at 1-866-999-7372 for more information.

Space in classes may be limited, please submit your application early!

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